Module mqtt.client

MQTT client module

Class client_mt

client_mt:__init (args) Create and initialize MQTT client instance
client_mt:on (...) Add functions as handlers of given events
client_mt:off (event, func) Remove given function handler for specified event
client_mt:subscribe (args) Subscribe to specified topic.
client_mt:unsubscribe (args) Unsubscribe from specified topic, and calls optional callback when subscription will be removed on broker
client_mt:publish (args) Publish message to broker
client_mt:acknowledge (msg[, rc=0[, properties[, user_properties]]]) Acknowledge given received message
client_mt:disconnect ([rc=0[, properties[, user_properties]]]) Send DISCONNECT packet to the broker and close the connection
client_mt:auth ([rc=0[, properties[, user_properties]]]) Send AUTH packet to authenticate client on broker, in MQTT v5.0 protocol
client_mt:close_connection ([reason]) Immediately close established network connection, without graceful session finishing with DISCONNECT packet
client_mt:start_connecting () Start connecting to broker

Low-level methods

client_mt:send_pingreq () Send PINGREQ packet
client_mt:open_connection () Open network connection to the broker
client_mt:send_connect () Send CONNECT packet into opened network connection

Exported functions

create (...) Create, initialize and return new MQTT client instance

Class client_mt

MQTT client instance metatable
client_mt:__init (args)
Create and initialize MQTT client instance


  • args MQTT client creation arguments table
    • uri string MQTT broker uri to connect. Expecting "host:port" or "host" format, in second case the port will be selected automatically: 1883 port for plain or 8883 for secure network connections
    • clean string clean session start flag
    • version number MQTT protocol version to use, either 4 (for MQTT v3.1.1) or 5 (for MQTT v5.0). Also you may use special values mqtt.v311 or mqtt.v50 for this field. (default 4)
    • id string MQTT client ID, will be generated by luamqtt library if absent (optional)
    • username string username for authorization on MQTT broker (optional)
    • password string password for authorization on MQTT broker; not acceptable in absence of username (optional)
    • secure boolean,table use secure network connection, provided by luasec lua module; set to true to select default params: { mode="client", protocol="tlsv1_2", verify="none", options="all" } or set to luasec-compatible table, for example with cafile="...", certificate="...", key="..." (default false)
    • will table will message table with required fields { topic="...", payload="..." } and optional fields { qos=1...3, retain=true/false } (optional)
    • keep_alive number time interval for client to send PINGREQ packets to the server when network connection is inactive (default 60)
    • reconnect boolean force created MQTT client to reconnect on connection close. Set to number value to provide reconnect timeout in seconds It's not recommended to use values < 3 (default false)
    • connector table connector table to open and send/receive packets over network connection. default is require("mqtt.luasocket"), or require("mqtt.luasocket_ssl") if secure argument is set (optional)
    • ssl_module string module name for the luasec-compatible ssl module, default is "ssl" may be used in some non-standard lua environments with own luasec-compatible ssl module (default "ssl")


    client_mt MQTT client instance table
client_mt:on (...)
Add functions as handlers of given events


  • ... (event_name, function) or { event1 = func1, event2 = func2 } table
client_mt:off (event, func)
Remove given function handler for specified event


  • event string event name to remove handler
  • func function handler function to remove
client_mt:subscribe (args)
Subscribe to specified topic. Returns the SUBSCRIBE packet id and calls optional callback when subscription will be created on broker


  • args subscription arguments
    • topic string topic to subscribe
    • qos number QoS level for subscription (default 0)
    • no_local boolean for MQTT v5.0 only: no_local flag for subscription
    • retain_as_published boolean for MQTT v5.0 only: retain_as_published flag for subscription
    • retain_handling boolean for MQTT v5.0 only: retain_handling flag for subscription
    • properties table for MQTT v5.0 only: properties for subscribe operation (optional)
    • user_properties table for MQTT v5.0 only: user properties for subscribe operation (optional)
    • callback function callback function to be called when subscription will be created (optional)


    packet id on success or false and error message on failure
client_mt:unsubscribe (args)
Unsubscribe from specified topic, and calls optional callback when subscription will be removed on broker


  • args subscription arguments
    • topic string topic to unsubscribe
    • properties table properties for unsubscribe operation (optional)
    • user_properties table user properties for unsubscribe operation (optional)
    • callback function callback function to be called when subscription will be removed on broker (optional)


    packet id on success or false and error message on failure
client_mt:publish (args)
Publish message to broker


  • args publish operation arguments table
    • topic string topic to publish message
    • payload string publish message payload (optional)
    • qos number QoS level for message publication (default 0)
    • retain boolean retain message publication flag (default false)
    • dup boolean dup message publication flag (default false)
    • properties table properties for publishing message (optional)
    • user_properties table user properties for publishing message (optional)
    • callback function callback to call when published message will be acknowledged (optional)


    true or packet id on success or false and error message on failure
client_mt:acknowledge (msg[, rc=0[, properties[, user_properties]]])
Acknowledge given received message


  • msg packet_mt PUBLISH message to acknowledge
  • rc number The reason code field of PUBACK packet in MQTT v5.0 protocol (default 0)
  • properties table properties for PUBACK/PUBREC packets (optional)
  • user_properties table user properties for PUBACK/PUBREC packets (optional)


    true on success or false and error message on failure
client_mt:disconnect ([rc=0[, properties[, user_properties]]])
Send DISCONNECT packet to the broker and close the connection


  • rc number The Disconnect Reason Code value from MQTT v5.0 protocol (default 0)
  • properties table properties for PUBACK/PUBREC packets (optional)
  • user_properties table user properties for PUBACK/PUBREC packets (optional)


    true on success or false and error message on failure
client_mt:auth ([rc=0[, properties[, user_properties]]])
Send AUTH packet to authenticate client on broker, in MQTT v5.0 protocol


  • rc number Authenticate Reason Code (default 0)
  • properties table properties for PUBACK/PUBREC packets (optional)
  • user_properties table user properties for PUBACK/PUBREC packets (optional)


    true on success or false and error message on failure
client_mt:close_connection ([reason])
Immediately close established network connection, without graceful session finishing with DISCONNECT packet


  • reason string the reasong string of connection close (optional)
client_mt:start_connecting ()
Start connecting to broker


    true on success or false and error message on failure

Low-level methods

client_mt:send_pingreq ()
Send PINGREQ packet


    true on success or false and error message on failure
client_mt:open_connection ()
Open network connection to the broker


    true on success or false and error message on failure
client_mt:send_connect ()
Send CONNECT packet into opened network connection


    true on success or false and error message on failure

Exported functions

create (...)
Create, initialize and return new MQTT client instance


  • ... see arguments of client_mt:__init(args)


    client_mt MQTT client instance

See also:

generated by LDoc 1.4.6 Last updated 2020-07-09 23:06:55